A One Stop Shop for Florists
Grower2Florist (G2F) is a new company started in 2021 by Richard Visser, owner of Flowerpower Delivery. With over 30 years of experience in the floral industry, the owner dedicates his time to sourcing the best quality items and delivering in a timely manner. We work to pool smaller florist orders direct from growers in the Vancouver, BC Lower Mainland. We also offer a weekend grower-direct pickup program for florists who were not able to get all their supply from the local marketplace.
Because we don’t carry inventory and have no warehouse facilities, we are able to keep our prices very low; just working on a small mark-up to cover our delivery costs via our sister company, Flowerpower Delivery. We are a drop-shipper/delivery company, and not a wholesaler. Check our prices and you will understand.
Florists can place orders on our new Online Store, which has date-stamped pics reflecting live photos of what we are shipping. Order products from multiple product groups including buckets of greenery, flowers, tropicals, flowering plants, annuals, perennials, air plants, as well as novelty cactus & succulents. We also offer a “single pots” and “single bunches” program where you can order potted plants or bunches of flowers in single units.
Direct-to-store delivery is offered in cities from West Vancouver to Langley/Maple Ridge. Florists outside of this core delivery area may contact G2F to arrange a meetup or drop point location in Burnaby, New Westminster, North Vancouver, or Vancouver.
Send us an e-mail or click the link on this website to request our weekly availability campaigns and an invitation to shop our Live-Market Online Store.
Phone/text: 604-626-9701
WhatsApp: 604-710-0245
E-mail: orders@grower2florist.com